Our Book

A Crack in the Wall
September 2018
A Crack in the Wall is a book marking the 30th Anniversary of LifeLines, a UK based charity whose members correspond with people on death row. The book, which is a compilation of writings by people on death row in the US and their pen friends and also past speakers.
Death Row and the Death Penalty
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By Past Speakers at our Conferences
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My Type on Paper | Paola’s Story
While most LifeLines friendships take place via letter or email, sometimes over the phone, occasionally members choose to visit their penfriend.
Paola and Billy started writing to each other in 2021. Billy had been on death row for 27 years, and with no family and very few friends he was keen to have a friendship. In 2023 Paola took a big step and made the long journey to visit Billy in prison in the US. This is their story.
Film by Sarah Fox, made with Billy’s approval.
14 days in May
Thirty years ago at this moment, Edward Earl Johnson was running out of time, and Clive Stafford Smith was fighting to save him from execution in Mississippi’s Gas Chamber.
The Joys of Forgiveness on Death Row | Sunny Jacobs
As an innocent condemned to death, Sunny Jacobs realised she had some serious choices to make. Her decisions led her to understand more about life and freedom than anything she had ever experienced.
My father, mental illness and the death penalty | Clive Stafford Smith
The story of Ricky, a convicted child molester and murderer, and the mother of the child he killed; and of mental illness, the death penalty, victimhood and seeking understanding.
In Conversation: Bryan Stevenson and Anthony Ray Hinton
Anthony Ray Hinton, incarcerated on death row for nearly thirty years for a crime he didn’t commit, and Bryan Stevenson, Executive Director of the EJI, discuss the 16-year legal battle that exonerated Hinton in 2015.
Useful Links
Amicus is a small charity that helps provide representation for
those facing the death penalty in the United States. We believe
the death penalty is disproportionately imposed on the most
vulnerable in society, violating their right to due process and
equal justice before the law.
Reprieve delivers justice and saves lives, from death row to
Guantánamo Bay. They use the law to fight extreme human rights
abuses like the death penalty.
Death Penalty Information Center
The Death Penalty Information Center is a national non-profit
organization serving the media and the public with analysis and
information on issues concerning capital punishment.
Amnesty International
Amnesty International UK work to protect people wherever justice,
freedom, truth and dignity are denied. As a global movement of
over seven million people, Amnesty International is the world’s
largest grassroots human rights organisation.
Murder Victims Families for Human Rights
MVFHR is an international, non-governmental organization of family
members of murder victims and family members of the executed, all
of whom oppose the death penalty in all cases.