LifeLines - Mission statement
LifeLines Founder Jan Arriens (centre) with LifeLines writers shortly after we were established.

What we do

LifeLines supports and befriends people on death row in the United States, through letter writing and email. It is the first established organisation of its kind. LifeLines has gone from humble beginnings in 1988 in Cambridge to spread both nationally and internationally, with members all over the world.

LifeLines News


Statistic 1

2,095 People are on death row in the United States,
as of 1 January 2025*

Statistic 2

1,613 People on death row have been executed in the
United States since 1976,
as of 7 March 2025*

Statistic 3

986 LifeLines members and associate members as of November 2024

Latest Statistics

Member Testimonials